> so basically my dreams have been getting stranger and stranger
> i was staying up late watching a walkthrough on how to beat that one level cus im just too lazy to do it myself
> and all of a sudden, i start falling asleep with the video on
> i was fully immersed in the tutorial that my surroundings transformed into the game
> so most of the dream involved me solving this one puzzle ive been stuck on for god knows how long
> and the premise is that basically, you have two doors you need to open
> however if one door ever shuts the other one closes too and thats the part im stuck on
> ive been asking for answers for a solid month now and funny enough no one else i find online seems to know either
> so there i was in the dream wandering through a chilly forest
> and out of nowhere i hear a loud noise from behind
> my instinct told me to keep running at that point despite potential threats
> eventually i approach this door standing at least 15 feet taller than me or smth idk
> it wasnt long until i noticed a key lying on the grass
> i quickly took note of that but as soon as i reached for it, i began to hear very loud footsteps
> time pretty much slowed down at that point and i found myself almost unable to grab the key as i was reaching for it
> curiously i looked behind myself and saw a glimpse of a shadowy figure before closing my eyes
> moments later, catching my breath i open my eyes and both the figure and the key were gone
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